

I was born in 1985 but I came to this earth 9 months before more or less, I don’t know what I expected in this time but in the end I did it, I came out, not naturally…and I met my mother, she is cool.

My parents decided to call me Gianpiero but I decided to give to myself many others names, one of this it’s NepOne.

I went to school but I never studied much, in class at school I preferred drawing.

I tried also to go to College, and for a while I really walked away from art, I didn’t came back untill I didn’t given up to the conventions.

Now I am an artist that make art, and around me I see a lot of artists in break, people like me for a while, distracted from something else…it’s an option too

I have a lot of friends which are the major collectors of my artworks, I love them all and I am happy to have my artworks in good hands.

I would like to have a house big enough to expose all the artworks around me, becouse I really talk to them and they have always something new to say.

Art always say something but you never know what you will feel the second time as the first.

I like colors and freedom wich I express with abstract art ,but sometimes I come back to conventions for something figurative.